Tom’s Awards
Dear (never boring) comics creator!
As you already understand, you may be awarded in the Best Story, Best Graphics or Best Creative Approach specific sub-category. But there is a still chance to get the main Award, Best Comics Work, which is rewarded with 999 EUR. Sure, nothing more to say at this moment. Certainly, you’ll need to go through a couple of “here and there” clicks. But you should consider that you have a big chance to become a glocal comics hero of the decade!
Best Comics Work – main Award
This prize includes a financial reward of 999 EUR. Thomas Orrow will award the publisher’s prize personally.
Best Story / Best Graphics / Best Creative Approach – special Awards
These prizes include special non-financial rewards.

It’s up to you!
As an author (or team of authors) you may submit only one comic work, via the application form online (below). In any case use your English, please – we’re pretty cosmopolitan here! If your work contains text fields or speech balloons they must be in English language (EN lettering). A complete story in a given range is highly preferred, but also a compact snippet from a larger story is allowed. Submitted comics may already have been published. Please be cautious – your comics work may not be accepted if it is a part of book already submitted by a publisher within this competition! In case your comics work have already won some other great competitions, please submit a better one here. We believe you are as productive as creative, for sure!
Before you win
Do not delete your comics files!
Better if you upload them here, by October 31st 2017. When uploading your files, please bear in mind these technical parameters: Size: A4 or A3 (portrait) / Total range: 1 – 6 pages / Digital formats: jpg, tiff, pdf, zip file / Resolution: 300 dpi / Color: Full or B&W / Color mode: CMYK. Maximum file size is 90 Mb per file.

Application Form / Artist
x The submission deadline is October 31st 2017. The winners will be notified via e-mail and officially announced on November 10th 2017, as well as on the competition’s website.
x The absolute winner for this category will receive a financial reward of 999 EUR. Each winner of a sub-category will receive a non-financial special reward. The competition jury will evaluate the overall quality standard of the comic works.
x The jury consists of experts from several European countries and their names will be announced during the competition process. The competition is evaluated by the jury and its decisions are final.
x The winners’ and selected participants’ works may be published in a book issued in Thomas Orrow editions, and in a special issue of ENTER art magazine, individually. In addition, the selected works may be presented at the Thomas Orrow Comics Fest 2017.

Terms & Conditions
x Comics which authors submit may already be published, but may not violate the rights of third parties. In order to participate, consent from the publisher or rights owner may be requested.
x Each participant agrees that his/her work may be published and be a part of accompanying promotional material, after announcement by the organizers.
x The organizers have the exclusive right not to accept a submission, if it violates an ethical code in any way.
x The organizers undertake that the personal data of the participants will be used only for the purposes of this competition and will not be given to any third parties.
x The authors’ copyrights remain intact. By submitting via online form, the author agrees with the terms of the competition under the law of the Slovak Republic No. 618/2003 on copyright and copyright acts.